*** Drug Smuggler's Ledger Unravels International Network in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Drug Smuggler's Ledger Unravels International Network in Bahrain

TDT | Manama
Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

A meticulously kept ledger detailing drug transactions has become a key piece of evidence in the case against an Asian man and his girlfriend, both of whom are accused of smuggling and distributing narcotics in Bahrain. 

The High Criminal Court, which heard the initial proceedings, adjourned the trial until January 13 to allow the defense time to respond to the evidence, which includes the ledger that allegedly documents sales, profits, and distribution methods.

The ledger, discovered during a search of the Asian suspect's residence, revealed a sophisticated operation spanning several years. The Anti-drugs Directorate of the Ministry of Interior had received intelligence suggesting the man was involved in drug trafficking, using a network of "dead drops" to distribute the narcotics smuggled internally from his home country. The ledger confirmed this information, detailing numerous transactions and providing crucial insights into the scale of the operation.

The accused Asian national allegedly smuggled drugs on multiple occasions between 2022 and 2024, earning between 400 and 1700 Bahraini dinars per trip. 

He confessed to years of drug use and admitted to smuggling, identifying others involved in similar operations. His female accomplice, who he met at a nightclub, allegedly assisted in the distribution network.

"He introduced me to this business and the idea of making money from it when we met. The money was good, so I continued," the woman told prosecutors, although she pleaded not guilty in the trial.

A search warrant, obtained from the Public Prosecution, uncovered drug paraphernalia at the suspect's residence, including cutting agents, packaging materials, and various narcotics. 

 The prosecution alleges that the defendants operated as part of a larger international drug trafficking network. The court will reconvene on January 13th to hear the defense's arguments.

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