*** Two get jail for terror activities | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two get jail for terror activities

ManamaThe High Criminal Court yesterday sentenced two terror suspects to ten years in jail on charges of undergoing training in use of weapons and explosives to carry out terror attacks, Deputy Prosecutor of the Anti-terror Crime Prosecution, Mohamed Al Nuaimi said. The accused were stripped of their nationality.

They were acquitted of  joining a terrorist outfit in breach of the law. The Criminal Investigation Directorate had discovered that the first suspect underwent military training abroad to carry out terror attacks in Bahrain.

He was recruited by the second suspect who was a fugitive abroad and joined the so-called “14th of February” terror group. The second suspect tasked the first suspect to travel to Iraq where he received military training, including in the use of weapons and explosives to carry out terrorist attacks in July 2016.