*** ----> A blend of Yoga and Travel | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A blend of Yoga and Travel

ManamaHer journey began when she was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and narcolepsy caused by a disorder known as fibromyalgia. 

When doctors said there was no cure and the prescribed medications failed, she sought the path of self-healing by adopting a yogic lifestyle that cured her completely overtime. 

Soon after this, she set out to help people and dedicate her life to help others through self-awareness. 

Meet the Yoga Therapist and Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach Fatima Al Mansoori who is currently a yoga therapist at the Bahrain Defence Force Hospital and the Middle East Medical Centre in Bahrain.

According to Al Mansoori, “Health is our own nature. It comes from inside, not outside. Sickness is being away from yourself.”

“Many people prefer to suffer than to change, but happiness requires effort, so I chose to change.”

And yoga, as Al Mansoori puts it together is not just burning calories and toning muscles, but a complete mental-physical workout that combines stretching and strengthening with deep breathing and relaxation. 

She was speaking at a press conference on ‘Yoga for Travel’ held at the Hot Spot Restaurant in Adliya on September 28. 

Integrated approach

Al Mansoori was trained at a Holistic Research Centre in Bangalore (India) that uses an integrated approach of yoga therapy. 

She has completed several courses such as Yoga Therapy for Prevention and Management of Diabetes, and has the following certificates in regards of the practice: Yogic Science Basics, Lifestyle Management, Ayurveda Nutrition, Ashtanga Yoga and Yoga Therapy, Herbology, Psychology and Advanced Yoga Therapy. 

Causes of stress

Highlighting the problems faced by people while travelling, she asked, “How many of us have felt a rumble in the tummy or a painful buzz in the ears while travelling in a flight or a car for a long period of time?”

“Ever wondered how eating candy that the air hostess brings helps you feel better?”

According to Al Mansoori, fast movement from one location to another, especially when people have other important works to be completed can be a reason for the stress. 

Another factor is the fear of flying which can lead to panic attacks, breathing problems and anxiety. 

Air sicknesses, back pain, fatigue, stiff neck and blocked ears are some of the other commonly faced discomforts.   

Around 25 per cent of the people experience a fear of flying whereas one in 10 has a phobia of flying, pointed out Al Manssori while explaining how yoga can help solve these issues.

She revealed receiving an excellent feedback of 94.4pc with an 88.8pc successful interaction during a nine-day meditation tour to Sri Lanka. 

Therapy sessions 

Her therapy sessions included neck-and-ankle rotation demonstrations by concentrating on breathing and slowing down inhalation. On the basis of what she explained, normal shallow breathing takes in only about 350 ml of air whereas diaphragmatic breathing takes in 10 times the amount of air. This shows the need to ensure that exhalation must be longer than inhalation. 

Meanwhile, her posture sessions portrayed the importance of maintaining a good posture that helps in avoiding fatigue and reduce the stress caused on muscles and spine.