*** ----> Traveller jailed for attempting to smuggle BD50,000 into Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Traveller jailed for attempting to smuggle BD50,000 into Bahrain

TDT | Manama          

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A traveller who attempted to smuggle BD50,000 by hiding it in clothes and tea boxes was apprehended at the customs office of the Bahrain International Airport.

The Arab national was referred to court on charges of failing to disclose movable assets. The court sentenced him to imprisonment for a month, confiscation of the amount, and his permanent deportation after executing the penalty.

According to court files, the defendant attempted to smuggle BD50,000 into Bahrain without disclosing the amount to customs, where he denied having any cash.

He was searched on suspicion, and the amount was found in his possession among the folds of his clothes and inside boxes of tea, placed in a crafty manner to avoid detection. He acknowledged his guilt and was charged.