*** BIS to boost biz activity | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BIS to boost biz activity

Manama : Seeking to further enhance the economic activity between Bahrain and India, Bahrain India Society (BIS) yesterday announced launching a major membership drive. 

This was announced during the society’s first meeting held under the chairmanship of Mohammed Dadabhai. 

“This will help to create greater awareness of the potential for economic activity between Bahrain and India,” said Dadabhai adding that the business rules in Bahrain have become simpler and more business-friendly and India itself has transformed into a powerhouse economy.

As part, the board announced that the society would reach out to professionals and business owners in Bahrain and engage with them in the membership drive.

“We believe that we should step up our engagement with entrepreneurs and professionals in Bahraini and Indian communities to bring them together and explore ways of working together for the benefit of both countries,” Dadabhai said. 

Membership benefits include access to monthly meetings featuring talks by Indian and Bahraini government and business officials, networking with potential partners for business development and attending important conclaves and conferences in both countries as BIS delegates.

The two-year term of the 11-member board headed by Chairman Mohammed Dadabhai will last untill 2019. 

Members include: Raj Damani, Vice-Chairman; V.K. Thomas, Secretary General; P S Balasubramanyam, Treasurer and Board Members: Ebrahim Al Ameer, Vijay Baloor, Ahmed Jawahery, Abdulrahman Mohd Juma, Talal Mannai, Jaleel Ansari and Manoj Bhatia. Directors are Abdulnabi Al Shola, Abdulla Juma, Khalid Zayani, Jawad Al Hawaj, Mohamed Kooheji and Mahmood Soufi.

For more details contact Membership Director Manoj Bhatia or the society on 3652 7365, Secretary General V K Thomas on 3944 2560 or Office 17467133 e-mail admin@bahindsociety.org.