*** Spiderman spotted in Paris | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Spiderman spotted in Paris

It’s not often you get to see real-life heroes who without any regard to their own safety sprung into action to help others. Such is the story of a young Malian man who was hailed a hero when he saved a four-year old child dangling from a fourth floor balcony in Paris on May26.

The Daily Tribune learned Mamoudou Gassama took just seconds to reach the child in a spectacular rescue captured on film; climbing the building with his bare hands, the heroic rescuer says it was pure instinct. “I saw all these people shouting, and cars sounding their horns. I climbed up like that and, thank God, I saved the child,” he said. It was also learned that the parents of the child were not at home when the incident happened and were later held by police for questioning. 

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