*** ----> An Egyptian man swallowed a cell phone; doctors request police assistance | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

An Egyptian man swallowed a cell phone; doctors request police assistance


Egypt today reported a story of a 28 year old Egyptian man who swallowed a mobile phone and got it removed through a surgery after 7 months he had swallowed it. Hassan Rashad who is reportedly having mental illness told the incident to his brother ahamed after having a stomach ache.
From the ultrasound scanning conducted in a state hospital in the province of Benha , north of Cairo, doctors found something strange inside his stomach. When they removed it, they thought it would be some kind of drugs because of the way it was being wrapped around. So the police was called to unwrap the thing and they were all stunned to see the mobile phone instead.
Hassan, 28, comes from a small village in Qalubiya governorate. He is currently receiving medical care after the surgery and it is learned that he swallowed the mobile phone in a challenge with his friends. He thought he could cough it out before doing it.