*** ----> Root Canal Treatment Or Extraction ??? | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Root Canal Treatment Or Extraction ???

In dental emergencies, the patient is always in dilemma when, they need to make a decision between root canal treatment and tooth extraction. When health, cosmetics and finances are considered root canal treatment is less invasive than extraction and have number of long term benefits. This is because root canal treatment, unlike an extraction is designed to save your tooth.


Root canal is a term used to describe the natural cavity within the center of the tooth. It lies within the white enamel and a hard layer called dentin. The pulp is the highly sensitive soft tissue within the canal.


When checking your tooth, the dentists follow a series of steps to conclude whether or not you need a root canal therapy. The dentist will tap it and expose it to both cold and heat to see whether its reaction differs from that of a healthy tooth. X-Rays are performed and at times pulp testers or electronic devices are also used.



Root Canal Treatment becomes necessary when the pulp inside the root canal becomes inflamed or infected. Antibiotics alone do not help with infections located inside the tooth and the pulp cannot heal on its own because the infection affects the normal blood supply of the tooth.

There are a number of symptoms which shows that the pulp is damaged like,

8Pain when biting. 

8 Increased sensitivity to hot or cold lasting more than 2 seconds.

8 Swelling around the tooth.

8 Pain when the tooth is touched or pushed. 

8 Changes in colour (with or without pain).

8 Visibly fractured tooth. 

8 Recurring pimples / abscess in the gums adjacent to a tooth. 



 Treatment may be performed in one or multiple visits depending upon the severity of the infection.


 The tooth is examined carefully and X-Rays are taken prior to and during the treatment.

“For a successful root canal treatment, the practitioner should be familiar with the morphology of the roots of all teeth and the associated complex root canal anatomy. Careful examination of radiographs is a must”. 


 The procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia (if the nerve is still alive).


 Cleaning and the shaping of the canal are done and the canals are sealed with biocompatible material called Gutta percha.


 Final restoration is placed in the final visit.



Saving a natural tooth through endodontic treatment should be the first choice because, 

= It allows to avoid the destruction of periodontal fibres around the tooth which helps the patient in the proprioception during chewing.

= Maintains natural aesthetics.

=  Cost effective whereas replacement of teeth after extraction is expensive. 


8Root canal treated tooth may be tender in the initial days after treatment. Avoid biting on hard food until a permanent restoration is placed. A crown is essential in most cases.

8Maintain good oral hygiene.

8Do not consume too much sugary food.

8Avoid smoking.


If left untreated the infection in the pulp can extend to the bone tissue causing abscesses. If a root canal treatment is not performed the tooth will need extraction. Losing one tooth effects the mechanical processes in your mouth and the remaining teeth starts to migrate. 

A missing tooth requires further treatment regarding its replacement/ rearrangement of existing teeth using implants, bridges or braces. Therefore it is always better to undergo routine dental check-ups for early detection of cavities.


For more information and consultation contact Dr. Rakhee Balakrishnan, General Dentist at MEM with 10 years of experience in dentistry

For further information contact Middle East medical Center, PH : 17464848



Dr. Rakhee Balakrishnan