*** Ithmaar Bank launches an exclusive reward programme for Modaraba accountholders | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ithmaar Bank launches an exclusive reward programme for Modaraba accountholders

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

Ithmaar Bank, a Bahrain-based Islamic retail bank, unveiled a new unique reward programme for Ithmaar Modaraba accountholders exclusively for corporate clients. The modaraba accounts of BHD100,000 or USD250,000 or more will be eligible to enter the draw to win 1% additional profit on the modaraba amount.

 “Ithmaar Bank aims to provide an exceptional banking experience as it focuses exclusively on serving corporate clients,” said Ithmaar Bank Chief Executive Officer, Maysan Almaskati. “We are aware of the financial and banking requirements of corporates as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sectors. Therefore, we work relentlessly to support them and provide innovative banking solutions that ensure the growth of our clients’ businesses,” he said.

  “Ithmaar Bank has introduced an exclusive reward programme for corporate clients as an added incentive to support the growth and success of their businesses,” said Almaskati. “We have looked into the best method to design the first of its kind programme to reward our loyal clients in a way that would align with our clients’ financial requirements. The prize of 1% additional profit on Modaraba accounts for corporate clients is an opportunity to increase their profits, which in return will foster the continuous growth and expansion of their businesses,” he said.  

Modaraba deposit accounts of six (6) months and longer tenors, with an amount of BHD100,000 or USD 250,000 or higher are eligible to enter the draws. The draws of Ithmaar Reward will be held on a monthly basis and a winner will be chosen every month. The draw dates and the winners’ names will be published on Ithmaar Bank’s website.

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