*** ----> Saudi Man Caught On Causeway For Bribery | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Saudi Man Caught On Causeway For Bribery

A Saudi security personnel was arrested for bribing his way into Bahrain through King Fahad Causeway, Saudi media reported yesterday.

According to Saudi news website Sabaq¸ the man paid SR5000 (BD500) to pass the Saudi passports at the causeway, by bribing an officer there two weeks back.

The man was apparently caught at the Bahraini side of the causeway when a passports’ officer discovered that he had no record in the traveler’s system.

The man, who works as a Public Security officer, admitted after he was interrogated that he exited Saudi Arabia at 10 AM on Friday January 22. He said he coordinated with a Saudi passports’ employee to facilitate his exit and transferred the amount to his bank account for the service.

The man was handed over to the Saudi authorities, which is currently investigating the case that comes under the administrative investigation department there, as it involves bribery and forgery.

As reported earlier, security and military personnel are not allowed to travel from Saudi Arabia without obtaining special permits.

Eastern Province Passports Official Spokesperson Colonel Moalla Al Otaibi stated recently that “122 impersonation cases were recorded at King Fahad Causeway in 2015.”

The colonel said, “Most of the impersonation cases were of Saudi citizens who were mostly military personnel who require permits to travel or underage who are not allowed to travel unaccompanied by adults.”