*** ----> Flights to NY and Washington uninterrupted | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Flights to NY and Washington uninterrupted

Flights from Bahrain to New York and Washington will continue uninterrupted despite the extreme weather conditions there, DT has learnt. 19 people from Washington, New York and other northeastern U.S. cities have died as a massive blizzard wrought havoc. Scores of residents had to dig their way out of the blizzard that has left the cities paralyzed. 

According to USA Today, more than 10,000 flights have been cancelled to New York and Washington. "Airlines were canceling flights by the thousands and issuing weather waivers for fliers trying to avoid the storm’s effects. More than 10,700 U.S. flights had been canceled between Friday through Sunday" USA Today reported.

However travelers from Bahrain will not be too inconvenienced as flights to both New York and Washington are reported to be available this week. The agencies also noted that they have not witnessed any cancellations. "All flights are open for booking, as far as we know the flights are operating and nothing has been suspended or cancelled. We do not have any information about cancellations at the moment." said a representative from Omega Travel & Tours. 

"We have flights available for various time this week including January 25 . Flights seem to be operating as normal despite the conditions." a travel agent from Jalal Travel agency said.  "There are flights to those cities but they are fully booked until 27th. We have not heard about cancellations so far." said travel agent Anas Rahman said.